How To Clean Knockoff Oakleys

Knockoff Oakleys is the modern brand of sunglasses. If you lead an active lifestyle, it can get dirty. Keeping them clean will help you see clearly and improve their appearance. When cleaning them, it is important to use the proper techniques and materials so as not to harm them. Fortunately, you can easily clean them using the bag that comes with your glasses.

Method 1: Clean them

Knockoff Oakleys
Knockoff Oakleys

Find the electrostatic case that comes with your sunglasses. Knockoff Oakleys comes with an electrostatic case that cleans your lenses without scratching them. Also, keep them in them when you’re not using them.

Spray your glasses with Oakley cleaner. You can purchase the official Oakley Cleaner on their website. Do not use other solutions or abrasive pads, as they may damage them.

Knockoff Oakleys Cleaner has been tested on these glasses and will not harm them.

Knockoff Oakleys
Knockoff Oakleys

Oakley cleaning kits also come with other static cloths for cleaning your sunglasses.

If you don’t have the Oakley cleaning solution, you can still use this method to polish your glasses. Just don’t throw them away.

Place your hand on the case. If you place them in the case, you will have more control when cleaning your lenses. Hold the frame with one hand and the electrostatic cloth with the other. Do not place unprotected fingers on the lens as they will leave marks.

Cleaning glasses. Wipe from back to front with your palm to polish them. Clean your fingers from the back and reach the dirtier grooves with your fingers.

Do not use paper towels or rags, as they can scratch the glasses.

Spray and clean the base. Now you can spray the outlines of your sunglasses, fill them with cleaner and wipe them down with the same static cloth. Continue cleaning the Oakley glasses until they are completely dry.

Method 2: Use soap and water

Knockoff Oakleys
How To Clean Oakleys Knockoff

Combine mild dishwashing liquid and hot water in a bowl. Fill a container large enough to fit the glasses halfway. Add the spray mild dishwashing detergent and stir the solution to combine.

Use only mild dishwashing detergent. Do not use other cleaners as they may harm your glasses.

Clean your glasses with a soft cloth. Stir your sunglasses into the solution to remove any grease or dust. Then, use a non-abrasive cotton cloth to soak them in the solution. Once wet, use it to clean the rest of your glasses.

Knockoff Oakley sunglasses
Knockoff Oakley sunglasses

Rinse the sunglasses. Rinse them with a hot water faucet. Make sure to remove all soap and air bubbles from the cheap Oakley sunglasses. After rinsing, shake them to remove some water.

Dry your sunglasses with a microfiber cloth. You can purchase them online or from a dispensing optician. Clean your lenses and frames with a microfiber cloth. Make sure to dry the Oakley glasses completely before storing them in the static case again.

Method 3: Clean the knockoff Oakleys Mouthpiece

How To Clean Oakleys Knockoff (4)
How To Clean Oakleys Knockoff

Shake the mask to remove the snow. If you’ve recently gone skiing or snowboarding, it’s best to remove the snow. Shake it to the outside and use your fingers to clean the side vent holes.

When cleaning the snow, do not rub the lens of the mask with hard gloves.

Dry the outside of the mask to allow contact. The box that came with the mask can also be used to clean it. Use it to dry and remove any remaining moisture.

Do not wipe the inner lens of the mask when wet, as its fog layer can be damaged during cleaning.

Let the visor dry outdoors. After removing the moisture, allow it to air dry. When putting the mask back on, keep moving as the water flowing through the holes will help dry the mask.

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