There are more and more non-standard sunglasses on the market. Thus, we should judge whether the replica Oakley sunglasses we need are genuine from the following aspects:
1. The place of production.
Check where the replica Oakley sunglasses are produced, and pay attention to the age and region of production.
2. Price.
According to the price comparison of multiple stores. If the price difference of the same product is large, the possibility of fake parallel imports is high. From the price comparison, the online price of genuine glasses should be 40%~45% cheaper than the traditional retail price.
3. Function.
Anti-UVA, Anti-UVB, Polarized Ultraviolet rays refer to sunlight with wavelengths between 200nm and 380nm, including three types: UVA wavelengths are 315nm-380nm, UVB wavelengths are 280nm-315nm, and UVC wavelengths are 200nm-280nm. The ultraviolet rays (290nm-2000nm) that reach the earth’s surface account for about 13%, of which UVA accounts for 97%, UVB accounts for 3%, and UVC is close to 0. The damage of ultraviolet rays to the human eye is mainly determined by the wavelength, radiation time and intensity of ultraviolet rays, as well as the strength of the human eye’s own defense mechanism. The cornea and lens are the most commonly damaged eye tissues by ultraviolet rays, and solar keratitis and corneal endothelial damage . Solar cataract is the most related eye disease.

For example, “UV400” means that it can block ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 400nm from reaching the human eye, that is, 100% anti-ultraviolet. When designing sunglasses, regular manufacturers will take filtering out ultraviolet rays as their primary task. A pair of qualified sunglasses should block at least 95% of ultraviolet rays. Polarized sunglasses have the function of polarizing light, so they can block all harmful light without affecting the transmission of visible light, which can truly protect the eyes. In addition to the basic anti-ultraviolet function (anti-UVA, anti-UVB), polarized sunglasses also have anti-glare, road reflected light, water scale, etc., suitable for driving, fishing, travel, and daily wear. Some cheap Oakley sunglasses not only cannot filter out ultraviolet rays, but also block the visible light, making the exposure to ultraviolet rays more pronounced. It is better not to wear such inferior sunglasses.
4. Gradients and reflections.
A gradient is when the color of the lens changes from one color to another. It can block harsh sunlight, while also allowing the driver to see the instrument panel clearly. Looking into the distance, the dark color can effectively block ultraviolet rays and dazzling sunlight. When you lower your head, you can read books, newspapers and maps normally. The design is very ergonomic. Reflection means that the lenses of sunglasses can be used as mirrors. People can’t see each other’s eyes from the outside. It has good optical performance, good light transmittance, no light distortion, etc. The vision is very clear. The interlayer technology also has a certain effect of heat insulation and soft light, which makes people feel more comfortable.